With a generous grant from the Eugene V. and Clare Thaw Charitable Trust, Nuevo Mexico Profundo and Cornerstones Community Partnerships collaborated in the restoration of San Agustín, a historic church located in the Gallinas River Valley near Las Vegas, NM. San Agustín (also known as San Augustine) is the northernmost of what was once a string of village churches in spectacular settings along the river. All of the other churches, and their villages, are going to ruin. This collaborative project saved San Agustín from the same fate. According to the property survey, San Agustín was first a fort and then converted to a church around 1830.
San Agustín is a mission of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Las Vegas, and this project was developed in cooperation with its pastor and the church’s mayordomos (caretakers). Special thanks to Rebecca Montoya.